Philip Glass: Les Enfants Terribles (Hungarian State Opera)

2021. November 13. (19:00)

Eiffel Art Studios

Elisabeth (voice): Szilvia Rálik
Elisabeth (dance): Inés Furuhashi-Huber
Paul (hang):  Attila DobákKósa Lőrinc univ.stud.
Paul (dance): Carlos Taravillo Mahillo
Gérard (voice): Botond Ódor
Gérard (tánc): Levente Bajári
Agathe / Dargelos (voice): Zsófia KálnayAnna Molnár
Agathe (dance): Ildikó Boros
Dargelos (dance): András Rónai
Narrator: János Szemenyei
Mother (dance): Zsófia Gyarmati
Michael (dance): Miklós Dávid Kerényi
Housekeeper (dance): Sorokina Nadezhda
Doctor (dance): Marten Hak Guus
Uncle (dance): István Kohári
Young lady (dance): Anita Tiffany Pesel
Featuring on piano: Balázs KálvinSámuel Csaba TóthBálint Zsoldos
Conductor: Péter Dobszay
Director: Dóra Barta

A ballet-opera by Philip Glass based on the story by Jean Cocteau, in French, with Hungarian and English surtitles

Adaption by Philip Glass and Susan Marshall
Rare is the work for the opera stage in which singers and dancers share equal importance in jointly moving the story along with their expressive power. This is something that is evident in the balett-opera Les Enfants Terribles, which world-renowned Philip Glass composed as the final part of his Jean Cocteau trilogy. In the story of Paul and Lise, the two children are both prisoners and victims of an imaginary world of their own invention, having created through play an entire world which they are no longer able to distinguish from reality. One way to interpret the piece is as Cocteau’s faith in the transcendent power of the imagination and creativity, in which the singers and dancers alternate in relating the events taking place in the story.
Les Enfants Terribles
An Opera By Philip Glass
Based on the story by Jean Cocteau
Adaption by Philip Glass and Susan Marshall
© 1996 Dunvagen Music Publishers Inc. Used by Permission.